OPTACOM: Autonomous and optimized orbit control management for a satellite cluster

OPTACOM Project is an industrial collaboration lead by OHB Sweden, while other participants being OHB systems, DLR and Luleå University of technology. The project focuses on developing a decentralized orbit control management algorithms for large satellite constellations to perform several autonomous tasks such as orbit initialization (phasing) after launch and early orbit phase, station-keeping and collision avoidance. Our team will contribute in the investigation to conceptualize and formulating the overall autonomy stack in the view of the machine learning based algorithm.

Currently, we are working on a research project focuses on optimization-based satellite constellation management (OPTACOM), funded by European Space Agency (ESA). The Project aims to develop intelligent decentralized manoeuvre planning algorithms for large-scale satellite constellations (of the order of 700 satellites) towards addressing the diverse objectives targeting for orbit initialization, station-keeping and reconfiguration management while ensuring collision free motion planning. Our team is actively contributing to the conceptualization of the autonomy stack using machine learning-based algorithms. 


Keeping one satellite in orbit takes quite the effort; now imagine managing 648 of them at once, while adding more. Increasing the amount of satellites in space, while keeping them in orbit without hitting anything, is a key issue which the European Space Agency, ESA, is looking for a solution to — and where the Robotics and AI team at Luleå University of Technology might just have the answer.


