Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Press event in our SuB-T lab

The interview on Sveriges Radio on our activities towards multi-robot exploration of mining environments.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

“Our vision is to pioneer the next-gen fully autonomous space robotics”

Avijit Banerjee, researcher at the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) group, strive to contribute to the field of space robotics and autonomy towards shaping the future of space exploration and space inhabitancy. There is yet far more to discover, for example the celestial bodies that hide treasures like unexplored caves. Autonomous space robotics opens to a whole new type of exploration in space.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Secured India’s lunar soft-landing

On 23 August, India was the fourth nation to land on the Moon, and the first nation ever to land on the lunar south pole, at the rim of the Shackleton crater. What is unknown to most of us, is that behind the complicated autonomous soft-landing of the lander, Chadrayaan-3, is the researcher Avijit Banerjee, who is now part of the research group in Robotics and AI at Luleå University of Technology.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Aiming to develop tomorrow's autonomous mining

Luleå University of Technology is now strengthening its research programme to meet the need for deeper, safer and smarter underground mines. The AI and Robotics research group, together with Epiroc, the Swedish manufacturer of mining and infrastructure equipment, and the tech company Algoryx are now challenging today’s limits in autonomous navigation in a new project.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Unleashing theory in new underground lab

The Robotics and AI-team at Luleå University of Technology has been very successful in recent years – with many accomplished projects and prosperous collaborations with other universities and the local industry. The Robotics and AI-team is thriving and now they are building a new underground research facility underground.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Zero waste cities: Leading an example with Zaragoza

Is garbage the new circular gold? In 2040, the city of Zaragoza in Spain will be completely climate neutral – and this will happen by revolutionizing the city's waste management, where Luleå University of technology will play a part.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

RAI at INCR Forum 2023

Dr. Akshit Saradagi from the Robotics and AI group at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden will discuss how a novel LiDAR and event camera fusion framework works in subterranean (SubT) environments for object and human detection with a Pioneer 3AT mobile robot.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Creating smart satellite missions using Space Autonomy

Keeping one satellite in orbit takes quite the effort; now imagine managing 648 of them at once, while adding more. Increasing the amount of satellites in space, while keeping them in orbit without hitting anything, is a key issue which the European Space Agency, ESA, is looking for a solution to — and where the Robotics and AI team at Luleå University of Technology might just have the answer.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Revolutionising industry with AI

By using cutting edge technology and research, Luleå University of Technology will turn Norrbotten into the most advanced region in terms of the adaptation of robotics and AI in all of Europe.

– This is the future of industry, George Nikolakopoulos, Professor of Robotics and AI says.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Drone competition can yield 10 PhDs

Luleå University of Technology’s robotics team have reached the final in the prestigious worldwide Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC). Together with the Technical University of Denmark they are competing for 2 million US dollars.

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Helektra Tsimpidi Helektra Tsimpidi

Robot event for students

The robotics and AI research group invited the university's students to meet a group of rigid employees – robots. The event was held within the framework of European Robotics Week 2022.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

illuMINEation --- Project video

Last week we released the trailer as a sneak peek to our project video. Now it’s time to present the full-length film to show you all aspects of this amazing project illuMINEation.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Academic ceremony 2022

Under Akademisk högtid vid Luleå tekniska universitetet promoverades doktorander och hedersdoktorer, professorer installerades och adjungerade professorer tilldelades diplom.

Det firades under lördagen med ceremoni och efterföljande bankett.

– Jag hälsar er varmt välkomna till Luleå tekniska universitets installations- och

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

To find life in space with NASA/JPL

Luleå University of Technology is among the few to be part in a prestigious collaboration with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) with the aim of exploring signs of life in other planets. This collaboration might prove itself to answer the frequently asked question: “Is there life in other planets?”

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

One’s scrap is another’s treasure

Using metallic scrap as a source when manufacturing steel saves both raw materials and energy which results in a more environmentally friendly manufacturing process.

Scrap is a fantastic resource to use which is why researchers at Luleå University of Technology are trying to make the recycling process even better with the new project OptiScrap.

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Helektra Tsimpidi Helektra Tsimpidi

Strengthen collaboration with PRV

Conscious strategies for how to manage intangible assets such as inventions, designs, brands, software and data are important. Partly to make use of academic results, partly for a good collaboration between academia and industry. The Patent and Registration Office (PRV) can help increase the university's knowledge in the field. That was one of the results from PRV's high-level visit to Luleå University of Technology.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Increased efficiency with robots in cable tunnels

In the future, robots can be able to investigate underground cable tunnels. Researchers in Robotics and AI at Luleå university of technology have collaborated with Svenska kraftnät to increase their knowledge about a robotic setup for this kind of infrastructure.

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Robotics & AI group Robotics & AI group

Development of computer vision for orbits

Luleå University of Technology's researchers in Robotics and AI have started a collaboration with the Luleå company Vimotek with the goal of developing AI algorithms for computer vision that will improve the control of satellites in orbit.

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