Sumeet Gajanan Satpute

Associate Senior Lecturer

Luleå University of Technology

Research subject: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Division: Signals and Systems

Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering


About me

I am an Associate Senior Lecturer with the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence group. My current research focuses on multiple spacecraft formation and autonomous planetary explorations with multiple agents. I received the Ph.D. degree from the Onboard Space Systems group, Kiruna, and Masters degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Control Systems from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), India. 


AERO-TRAIN is a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) - European Training Network (ETN) project, which aims to develop areial robotic technologies for the safe inspection and maintainace tasks of the civil and industrial ifrastructures. The project focuses on developing control methods to enhance the reliable remote operability of the aerial manipulators in remote locations. We focus on developing an augmented reality based interface that will enable easy, accurate, and safe human-machine collaborative operations. In addition, we also aim at developing robust control schemes against varying time delays necessary for remote tele-operations. 

UNIVERSEH European Space University for Earth and Humanity: It is an alliance of five universities in Europe to develop a new way of collaboration in the field of Space, within the new “European Universities” initiative promoted by the European Commission. 

OPTACOM Optimized and Autonomous Constellation Orbit Management is an industrial consortium lead by OHB Sweden, while other participants being OHB systems, DLR and Luleå University of technology. The project focuses on developing a decentralised orbit control management algorithms for large satellite constellations in order to perform a number of autonomous tasks such as orbit initialization (phasing) after launch and early orbit phase, station-keeping and collision avoidance.  

RIT2021  (2015-2021) is a collaborative EU-funded project with the objective to create sustainable growth in the region of Norrbotten and enhancing its role as Sweden’s leading space region. My participation was through a R&D project 'Guidance and Control for Multiple Spacecraft Formation' which was also in collaboration with OHB SwedenExternal link.. The main objectives of this work was to develop safe and fuel efficient control algorithms for the spacecraft formation flying missions as well as studing how to advance the real-world use of formation flying for future space explorations (link). 


I have been involved in course development activities for the R7030R course and designing of the new education based masters program.

Teaching assistance

R7030R Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control: Autumn 2020, 2021


PhD (Assistant Supervisor)

Masters Thesis

  • Federico Gatti: Docking strategies for floating platform

  • Frank Fourlas (University of Patras): Advanced control techniques for collaborative satellites

  • Fadel Chams: Collision Avoidance for small spacecrafts in LEO

  • Vignesh Kottayam Viswanathan: Cooperative navigation in space in-proximity of small bodies

  • Enrico Giacomini: Design, modelling and control of a thrust based UAV


Article in journal

An Edge Architecture for Enabling Autonomous Aerial Navigation with Embedded Collision Avoidance Through Remote Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (2024)

Seisa. A, Lindqvist. B, Satpute. S, Nikolakopoulos. G

Part of: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier, 2024

Conference paper

A Resilient Framework for 5G-Edge-Connected UAVs based on Switching Edge-MPC and Onboard-PID Control (2023)

Damigos. G, Seisa. A, Satpute. S, Lindgren. T, Nikolakopoulos. G

Part of: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, 2023

Article in journal

Adaptive control for a payload carrying spacecraft with state constraints (2023)

Sankaranarayanan. V, Banerjee. A, Satpute. S, Roy. S, Nikolakopoulos. G

Part of: Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier, 2023

Conference paper

Adaptive Control of Euler-Lagrange Systems under Time-varying State Constraints without a Priori Bounded Uncertainty (2023)

Sankaranarayanan. V, Satpute. S, Roy. S, Nikolakopoulos. G

Part of: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier, 2023

Article in journal

Fault Resilient Decentralized Multi-sensorial Fusion Based Pose Estimation for Autonomous Navigation Around Asteroid (2023)

Mukherjee. M, Banerjee. A, Satpute. S, Nikolakopoulos. G

Part of: International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, s. 2031-2042, Springer Nature, 2023


Christoforos Kanellakis-Associate Senior Lecturer